Here’s What I Learned — Writing is Like Having 365 Wives

From Rambo to Casanova with a slice of Shakespeare

Tom Handy
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

As a writer, each of your days is very different since you never know what to expect from your significant other. You wrote for Jenny the other day but today you’re writing for Kristy or is it, Mary? You have to know the audience you’re writing for.

You see, you never know what to expect after you publish a new article or a new poem. How will your significant other react? Are they in a good mood or a bad mood? Are they happy or are they sad? Do they want adventure or romance?

Trying to please 365 people is no easy task. Each of those individuals has their own personality. You won’t find one like the other. You’re best bet is to always give them what they need.

So writing is essentially like having a different partner every single day of the year. Each day, you never know what to expect after you hit publish. The mood of your fans change and will give you the results you may or may not expect.

  • Are your fans in a good mood or are they in a bad mood?
  • Is their life hectic?
  • Will they love your work or will they hate it today?



Tom Handy
Curated Newsletters

I ghostwrite articles for FinTech executives. Seen in Morning Brew, Money magazine, & Who's Who. Get my free email course