How Magic Metaphors Spark Our Stories

This image combines an eye and water. So, what about tears?

Desiree Driesenaar
Curated Newsletters
5 min readNov 19, 2020


Words are like drops of blood in our stories. But we need veins to transport the red flow. We need cells as a destination. We need neurons as information messengers. We need hormones to give the cycles their rhythm. We need them all!

Life is like a big, warm-blooded body.

And our stories come to life only when we feel life’s connections and feed our flow with words, images, and movement.

Our stories are art. We want to move mountains with them.

And it doesn't matter if you’re writing a rational explanation of some complicated technical innovation, or poetry. The story needs LIFE. In this story, I’ll tell the 3 secrets of how my stories come alive. And how you can spice up your stories as well.

Let’s create storytelling magic with

  • Warm-blooded metaphors
  • Imaginative images
  • Inspiring anecdotes

Create the magic and tell the stories!

Rational and Emotional

I write them both. The explanatory stories informing readers about nature-based solutions and…



Desiree Driesenaar
Curated Newsletters

Abundance! Senses & Sciences - Planet - Travel - Nature - Cultures