Distributed to Writing

How a Leftover Graveyard Will Make You Edit Without Mercy

A simple tool for producing clear, dense, and solid writing.

Eva Keiffenheim
Curated Newsletters
4 min readSep 7, 2020


Photo by Anna-Louise from Pexels

The first draft of anything is always shit, Hemingway used to say. And as a writer, your own experience will attest to the quote’s truth.

You know you need to be a merciless editor to get the best out of your articles. To seduce your readers, you need to distill the quintessence of your writing.

Yet, most of us are lousy editors. We’d rather clinch to the clutter in our pieces than deleting parts of our creations.

Humans avoid pain, so it’s natural we desist editing. It hurts. Deleting the words you carefully put on the paper feels like cycling backward.

There are two options to ease the ache. You‘re either fortunate enough to afford an editor or using a leftover graveyard.

I used the latter for my past 39 Medium articles. 35 were curated and resulted in over $4k Medium Partner Program income in August alone.

And as I feel much of the article’s performance is attributed to my leftover graveyard, I want to share this simple tool with you.



Eva Keiffenheim
Curated Newsletters

Learning enthusiast, TEDx speaker, and writer with +5M views | Elevate your love for learning with my free, weekly Learn Letter: http://bit.ly/learnletter