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Meditation | ADHD | Entrepreneurs
Meditation for Everyone
Even Entrepreneurs with ADHD Can Meditate
How could someone who struggles to stay on track sit still and do nothing but watch themselves breath?
But no, it’s not a contradiction!
If I can meditate, so can you! It takes a bit of practice but it’s well worth it.
Every time I meditate, I calm down, my head has fewer thoughts all scrambled together. And I can focus on whatever I’m working on.
Oops, wait a minute! What’s a picture of a cute girl wearing an orange hoodie doing on a blog post about meditation?
Nope, it’s not a joke. So before I get to meditation for ADHD, let me explain the hoodie.
Years ago when I was in graduate school preparing to take the infamous “comps” (comprehensive exams given at the end of one’s studies for a PhD), I had trouble studying.
Hardly surprising, given raging ADHD. I couldn’t focus on studying for more than a couple minutes at a time. Even though I was passionately interested in most of the material.
Eventually I discovered that wearing a hooded sweatshirt helped. It cut off peripheral vision and gave me a cocoon-like feeling. But meditation is even better than the hood on my…