How Did Amazing Tiny Structures Called Plastids Help Make Plants and People Possible?

Evolution is rarely straightforward and the selection for symbiotic plastids is a big part of the reason why plants and you exist.

Rich Sobel


This image was taken from the Wikipedia article about plastids and was photographed by Kristian Peters

What do you really know about how evolution produced creatures like the giant California Redwoods, or whales, elephants and humans?

What if I told you it all came about in no small part due to some tiny microscopic structures that are found inside one particular kind of cell?

And that these tiny structures are organelles called plastids.

All right, I can already hear you saying, why would I ever want to know about plastids?!

Simple. Without plastids, you probably wouldn’t be here to read this today.

Seriously. They’re. That. Important!

In this article, we’ll delve into how they came to be, where they’re found, what they do, how they evolved, how they are maintained and reproduced in cells, how they get passed to new cells and anything else about them we need to know!

So, let’s learn a bit about plastids and in particular, the ones found in red algae and see the critical role they played in the development of…



Rich Sobel

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