How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Genocide

Hamas, hatred, and human shields.

Steve QJ


Photo by Rabia BTR

From the moment it’s born, the Green Basilisk Lizard knows how to swim, climb, and even run on the surface of water. The Australian brushturkey can fly within a few hours of breaking out of its shell. Cottontail rabbits figure out how to make babies at around two months old, and aphids, well, they’re technically born pregnant.

Most animals begin their lives with an instinctive understanding of the world. But humans, by comparison, are a little slow.

We spend months figuring out how to walk and talk and get food into our mouths. Most children need years to master their ABCs and multiplication tables. And, believe it or not, some children never grasp geopolitics well enough to understand why they deserve to be bombed to death.

Take, for example, nine-year-old Layan, whose father and brother were killed in an airstrike in southern Gaza. When she says things like, “the dead are the lucky ones,” it’s almost as if she isn’t grateful that Israel blew up her family in one of its “safe zones.”

Or three-year-old Ahmed Shabat, who was hit by three separate airstrikes in just over a month. The first killed his parents and older brother, the second he escaped with minor injuries, and the third blew off both his…



Steve QJ

Race. Politics. Culture. Sometimes other things. Almost always polite. Find more at