How I Tricked My Brain To Start Doing Hard Work

Three steps that I used to detoxify my brain

Ankit Das
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

You might be struggling to do the hard things, or at least the stuff you are supposed to do, be it preparing for the test you have to take tomorrow, or an assignment you have to submit. You are procrastinating. But not anymore, because I am going to show you a strategy that will help you to never procrastinate again. You will not have to force yourself to study or work.

By taking the three simple steps that you will learn here, preparing for that final exam, or working on your side hustle is going to be much easier. I have been using this recipe for a long time, and believe me! It works. And once you start implementing these three steps, everything is going to change for you. You will finally find the willpower and motivation to do all of the things you have been procrastinating on.

1. Your brain hates uncertainty

Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

If I would offer you one hundred dollars today or 150 bucks one year later. Most of you would probably choose one hundred dollars now because a year from now looks like a long time. You aren’t sure what’s going to…



Ankit Das
Curated Newsletters

An engineer, a consistent learner, and full of enthusiasm. Writes about self-improvement, fitness, and sometimes money.