Photo by Stacey R. Forbes

I walked through a desert, wanting

The smallest things sting and sustain us. Writing poetry reminds me that looking up can be inspiring, but the secrets to a full and happy life are found closer to the ground.

1 min readApr 23, 2024


I walked through a desert, wanting

I walked
a desert wanting
some wild thing to make me love again –
a Broad-winged Hawk,
a Mexican wolf, a raving
Queen of the Night.
I found nothing
but a pair of mining
bees, tiny prophets
of the coming storm.
All they had was light.
All they knew of love
was hauling life
from the bursting
hearts of marigolds,
giving it all to the
ground, and making

This poem is from my first chapbook. Little Thistles, which recently won the “New Women’s Voices” chapbook competition sponsored by Finishing Line Press. It’s coming to Amazon this summer but available now through the press.

Support small presses — order your advanced copy of Little Thistles now.



15-year professional storyteller, published poet, Sonoran desert dweller, nature lover, music fanatic, stumbling but devoted student of gratitude and awe.