How Some White Women’s Envy Threatens Black Women

Many white women feel insecure around black women, it is one of the reasons that the two sometimes do not get along. It’s not a topic that is often talked about, but in reality, its origins lie in patriarchy.

Rebecca Stevens
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Ashley Byrd on Unsplash

I’ll be 50 in a few weeks, but somehow white people — especially white women think that I am much younger than that. As most of their own faces start showing the visible signs of aging, mine seems to remain the same — like I am this Benjamin Button au feminine. The reality though is that I age too. I definitely don’t look the same as I did 10 years ago.

White women have always felt a sense of envy vis a vis black women, and as I age, it seems to be getting much worse. From the occasional remark about why can’t I just age like the rest of us, to the resentful glance, I’ve been through it all.

I often think to myself: white women are desired by white men, black men, and brown men — all men of all shapes and sizes. They are a priced trophy the world over. Why are they jealous of me — a black woman, who is considered to be the least desirable of all women — at least according to a study conducted on OkCupid (a dating site) in 2014 which showed that “most guys on the…



Rebecca Stevens
Curated Newsletters

I write about racism, but there are so many other things I would like to write about instead. Help me dismantle racism so that I can get to that.