How To Avoid A Fatal Car Crash

The importance of having regular health checks.

Liam Ireland
Curated Newsletters
3 min readDec 2, 2020


Photograph by Christopher Boswell on Unsplash

Every year you give your car an M.O.T and an annual service. It makes sense if only to give you the peace of mind of knowing that all is well under the bonnet. If you fail to carry out these checks you are potentially dicing with death. It's the same with your health. Be warned.

When I came to Japan six months ago I was a mess with my health with the sudden onset of what was diagnosed as PMR. Before that I was running around teaching and performing like a man possessed in the south of Spain.
Like lots of folks, I only ever went to see a doctor if I felt ill. And whilst you may get away with that in the prime of your life, in later years you may live to regret it.

Over the last forty or so years I got the odd cold and a couple of bouts of the flu, but apart from that I was fine. Then about three years ago I got cataracts, soon sorted with laser technology at the back end of last year. After that once again I was raring to go. Then, just as Covid 19 kicked in I got hit by PMR. I would not wish it on my biggest enemy.

Here in Japan steroids were prescribed and worked an absolute treat. I felt like a new man. In fact I felt so good that my wife and I went to climb a mountain. And I was quite proud of the fact that…

