How to Be a First-Time Parent With a Second-Time Attitude

Things no one tells you when you have a baby

Anastasia Frugaard


Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

I recently wrote a piece with all the unconventional advice I want to give my best friend who just had a baby. She loved it and asked for more. So here are a few more things no one tells you when you have a baby.

Your time as a good mom/parent will come

Moms are hard on themselves.

Today, you might think you suck at breastfeeding, changing diapers, making homemade purees, reading, or doing pretend play with your two-year-old. But the truth is, your time as a good mom (or dad) will come. No parent is good at all parenting all the time.

I tried my best at every stage of my daughter’s life, but I sucked at quite a few things. Breastfeeding was a drag. I never wanted to be a part of a moms’ group. I was too restless (and overburdened) to sort animals on the floor with a toddler. I’m late for most drop-offs. And don’t ask about my daughter’s dental hygiene. Bad parenting? Perhaps.

But I also read (fantastic books) to my daughter every night without fail. I researched early childhood development and education so much that I could be a teacher myself. I took great care to find a preschool that suited my daughter’s temperament…

