Technology | Business | Cybersecurity

How to Be Safe in the World of Cybercrime

Learn best practices for cybersecurity from the experience and insights of an expert in the field.


Photo by Privecstasy on Unsplash

The purpose of this story is to present a realistic view of cybersecurity, its challenges, the evolving landscape, and the proactive steps individuals and businesses can take to protect themselves, making it a valuable piece for readers’ awareness and understanding. I interviewed an expert in the field and distilled essential information from technical, business, and leadership perspectives.

Cybersecurity is a buzzword — scary but has no human face. It’s so abstract that we cannot see it clearly. We hear about phishing emails, ransomware, and hacking, and the dark cloud of the Dark Web is growing. But do you know what is behind those ominous scenarios?

To avoid this avalanche of threats and scary operators, we need real humans (or put a face to these things) to help us understand what is happening and how to protect us from these dangers. One of these clever and generous people is Simon Howard. He will guide us on the cybersecurity journey towards safer waters.

Nestled in a modern and, to some extent, even quirky office in Wellington, a stone’s…

