How To Break The Attitude Barrier

It is the calmest of people, who breach their oblivion.

Riku Arikiri
Curated Newsletters


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Mean girls, popular guy, that hard as a rock(in terms of abs and attitude) physics professor — all have something in common, they have a sentiment of concrete attitude that separates them from the rest.

Why is that? & How can we break that barrier?

In my experience, most people who usually tend to showcase such an attitude are not mere dicks, as the public might state them. They do this because they can’t spare their time for people that don’t deserve it. In saying such things — it does showcase that they have a higher sense of self towards other people. But there is one plausible reason for their implicit behavior and i.e. they desire confidence in their life — it is a requirement for anyone who interacts with them daily.

It doesn’t mean they won’t showcase this attitude to their parents — they can as their parents might have been the part of the problem as well. Thinking in terms of their argument — it is not hard to understand that they basically filter those that they don’t want to interact with. Or sometimes some overconfident people usually tend to progress this ability to have a concrete attitude towards others. It might come off as hate speech, and sometimes even rudeness if not…



Riku Arikiri
Curated Newsletters

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.