How to Break the Cycle of Racism in Your Family

You have a responsibility to change things

Rebecca Stevens
Curated Newsletters


Photo credit: Jessica Rockowitz for Unsplash

You may have been born into a racist family; that happens. But it’s not because you are born into these circumstances that you can use that as an excuse for being a racist. If you are born into this type of family, your objective should be to ensure that racism ends with you and that nonracism — even better, antiracism, starts with you.

You see, you have the responsibility to make sure your children are antiracists. You need to make sure you break that cycle of racism in your family — to prevent it from poisoning future generations. Do you know that whole mantra about preoccupying yourself with what you can control and letting go of what you can’t? Well, what you have control over is your children’s upbringing and education — so raise them to be accepting and respectful of all human beings.

I recall that when Trump was elected President, many white people were shocked to discover the racists in their families. I came across stories where people were dreading the holiday season because it meant they’d have to spend time with their racist Uncle Jack or Aunt Fiona and they knew that this would lead to tension and arguments.

I also heard about lifelong friendships that had literally disintegrated due to now overt…



Rebecca Stevens
Curated Newsletters

I write about racism, but there are so many other things I would like to write about instead. Help me dismantle racism so that I can get to that.