How to calm down your racing mind?

Hazel Halil Halim
Curated Newsletters
5 min readOct 1, 2020


Left nostril breathing and its benefits

Illustration by Zeloot

We were two, three minutes into our session when my life coach stopped me:

“Hazel, wait, wait, wait! Wait for a sec. Your mind is racing, and we need to do something about it.”

Normally such a feedback wouldn’t surprise me at all. I’m well aware that my mind goes a thousand miles an hour. I speak fast, then faster, eventually too fast. No matter how fast I speak though, there is never enough time to finish my sentences.

But that night, I wasn’t being my usual hyperactive self. As it was late, I’d just came home from my basketball training, had a shower and I was feeling exhausted. Even my mind was slow. That’s why I was stunned by her reaction.

How come in such a short time did she realise that my mind was going nuts? Well, I guess she’s an expert.

She told me, “Here’s your first homework. I want you to do left nostril breathing for eleven minutes every day”.

Excuse me? It didn’t sound fun and 11 minutes sounded like an eternity.

That’s how I got introduced to left nostril breathing for the first time and I’ve been doing it ever since.

What is Left Nostril Breathing aka Ida Nadi?



Hazel Halil Halim
Curated Newsletters

With a smile stuck on my face, I treat every problem as a pretext for creative breakthrough. Though the process is a thrill, I’m mostly in for the Sharpies.