How to Get More out of Your Conversations

Primal Dhillon
5 min readAug 9, 2020


Check for intent and attitude

Two hands holding coffee cups on a table.
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

My problem is that I talk a lot and I love connecting and reconnecting with people. I am also guilty of indulging myself in long, meandering phone conversations. So much so that I have considered creating an auto cut phone app like a pre-set timer to keep me in check.

Realizing, that I get easily drawn into conversations at home, one day I went to a local coffee shop to get some work done. I wanted to avoid distractions by being amid strangers.

At the coffee shop, I needed the wifi password and I figured the quickest way would be to just ask the guy sitting close by.

I ended up talking to this stranger for over an hour!

What was I seeking by talking to him for so long and not focusing on my work at hand? I justified the conversation by reminding myself that I enjoyed listening to his motivations for his non-profit. I found his goals intriguing and inspiring at the same time. As our conversation neared the end I had a sinking bittersweet feeling as I tried to justify the time I had spent. My original intent of focusing on my work was in shambles once again, but surely I had gained a lot.

Even after leaving the comfort of my home, I still found myself in the same quandary of getting distracted. I…



Primal Dhillon

Educator, Assistant Principal, #New York City, #education #parenting #growth #innovation #edtech #empower #happiness, views my own