How To Have a Successful Marriage

Advice from a divorcee who knows better now

Melissa Raise
Curated Newsletters


It’s been 10 years since my divorce. I spent 8.5 years with him. And to be honest…I knew on some level that marrying him was the wrong choice from the beginning. But, I felt obligated because we had already moved in together, and because he wanted to get married so badly. I figured that whatever was “wrong” between us would eventually work itself out. Back then I didn’t know why things didn’t feel great between us. As I look back, now in my 40’s, I can very clearly see the mistakes I made. Read on to find out what they were.

Photo by Burst from Pexels

Mistake Number One: Lack of clarity about life goals and desires.

When we decided to buy a house together, I didn’t know much about what made me who I was. I came from a small town in upstate NY and I liked it that way…I just didn’t realize that it was at the base of what makes me who I am. I came to the southwest because I thought it was a stepping stone on my adventure. I had not yet realized that adult choices create a different kind of timeline in life, with phrases that seem to drag on forever, and more impactful responsibilities. When I decided to buy that first house (and the second) with my x, I was still operating under the assumption that you can change the details of your life any time you…



Melissa Raise
Curated Newsletters

Owner of Raise the Bar Wellness. Wellness Coach, CPT, LMT. Exploring a sober mom's journey from wellness. Instagram @raisethebarwellness