How to Improve at Anything

Two Simple Ways to Get Better, No Matter How Good You Are

Darryl Brooks
Curated Newsletters


No matter what the skill is, writing, photography, playing the guitar, or alpaca farming, the path to improvement is the same.

You learn what you are supposed to do and how to do it and practice those things repeatedly.

And if you are persistent, consistent, and intentional, you will improve.

But what happens when you reach the inevitable plateau? Maybe you feel like you are barely getting started when the improvements taper off.

Or maybe you make the mistake of thinking that you have mastered the craft and no longer need to improve.

And a mistake it is.

I have taken on and ‘mastered’ many things in my life, including tile installation, running, computers, photography, and writing. And now, I am trying to add guitar to that list.

Alpaca farming? Not so much.

But one thing I learned in every one of those endeavors is, there is always something else to learn. As a matter of fact, the ratio of what you know to what you don’t know is a sliding scale.

It’s not like there are 100 things to know, and when you know 50 things, you are halfway there. Knowledge doesn’t work that way.



Darryl Brooks
Curated Newsletters

Photographer & Writer-I shoot what I see-I write what I feel. Top writer in Photography, Art, Creativity, Productivity, Self Improvement, Business, Life Lessons