How to Keep Writing When The Seagull of Life Poops All Over Your Articles

Just write more, dammit.

Tim Ebl
Curated Newsletters
5 min readJan 7, 2021


You just completed your masterpiece. It’s a beauty, shiny and new.

As you carry it out to a medium-sized beach, you dream of hundreds of views and reads. Responses. Accolades. Curated viral take-off.

You are winning at life.

You carefully place the new story on the sand where you think readers will spot it and pick it up. Perfect! Then you back away and wait.

But readers aren’t what shows up today. It’s a flock of seagulls. They drop their white bombs.

A big gob of nope lands smack-dab in the middle of your story.

Now no one will read it, you think. My work is ruined.

Your mood drops to a new low as you look at your hard work sitting there surrounded by hundreds of other stories on that medium-sized beach. It gets no reads.

The Seagull Of Life Takes Many Forms

How does life drop the white bomb? Let us count the ways.

Rejection, lack of interest, criticism. That’s 3 big white splotches of yuck.

Rejection Makes You Feel Bad



Tim Ebl
Curated Newsletters

I help busy guys lose the dadbod, get their energy back and feel 20 yrs younger!.