How To Make A Great Living As A Coach (Without A Ton Of Clients)

The no-flood approach to building a coaching business

Rodney Daut
Curated Newsletters
6 min readJul 29, 2020


Photo by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash

Why are many oranges dyed the color orange?

Most people are unaware that ripe oranges are actually green. It’s only when the chlorophyll in their skin dies off that they turn orange, which is also right before they rot. Since people think green fruit is unripe, store owners feel compelled to make sure oranges look orange.

The true color of this citrus fruit is a surprise. And the idea that we can build a thriving coaching practice with very few clients is similarly surprising. Fortunately, it’s possible with the no-flood model.

The no-flood model involves three steps we use to build a profitable business with a small number of clients. The steps are:

  1. Solve a compelling problem
  2. Describe a complete system
  3. The math of no-flood

1. Solve a compelling problem

Which of the following pairs of statements is catchier?

I help you change your behavior and emotions
I help you overcome the fear of public speaking



Rodney Daut
Curated Newsletters

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