Become The Ultimate Mediator!

How To Persuade People, And Win Your Arguments

Acquire the sleight of hand to leverage dominance in any communication scenario.

Riku Arikiri
10 min readJan 15, 2021


Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

The warm-touch, the soft voice, the kind stare, the peaceful smile — what do all of these have in common? Well firstly, all four of them are a part of something I call delicate etiquette.

I know right!?

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Manners maketh Man?” I’m sure you might have seen the movie called “The Kingsmen.

People who pride upon their gentleness as well as their male bravado. Aren’t they just sweet and attractive at the same time?

Bold but not brash, Confident but also courteous — The best of both worlds.

All of us regardless of our attire desire to be noticed. Even if we don’t initially want attention, we always aspire to it from those that we want in our lives.

We have a preference when it comes to attracting our significant other. Be it a friend, lover, or even an acquaintance. We want them to acknowledge our presence.

Because deep down, you and I — all of us are the same. We require attention, love, warmth, and care. And thus we establish a need to pursue such goals…



Riku Arikiri

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.