How To Reclaim The Joy Of The Holidays

L. C. McLaughlin
Curated Newsletters
4 min readDec 5, 2020
Reclaiming Holiday Joy
Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

Do you remember the elation and joy you felt as a child during the holidays? As kids all we saw was the magic and fun. But as adults the holidays are often a time of stress, frenzy and exhaustion. How do we bring back the excitement and reclaim the joy of the holidays?

Approach The Holidays With Realistic Expectations

The holidays should be a time of joy, love, relaxation, and family. Many people have unrealistic expectations of how things need to occur. I’m sure you know that feeling of needing to have the perfect decorations, the perfect Christmas tree, etc. It causes stress and anxiety to try and have the “perfect” holidays.

We set unrealistic goals for ourselves, wanting everything to be perfect. Approaching the holidays with realistic expectations for the holidays can seriously save your sanity.There is no reason that your holidays celebration look like it came straight out of a magazine, or that your home be immaculate.Instead enjoy your family time and leave all your worries and stress behind. Set expectations that are within reach for you and your family.

Focus On What’s Important And Set Holiday Priorities

Start by focusing on the parts of the holiday that are most important to you and make those your priorities. Let everything else go. Realize that you are an example for your family. The attitude you bring to each day will help set the energy and tone for your family. If you are calm and present in the moment, your family will feel that too and mirror it back to you.

Include Your Family In The Holiday Preparations

I have a secret for you…

Not Everything Has To Be Done By You!

Take a deep breath, make a list, and pace yourself. Your family can be a great resource for getting everything on your list done. Assign tasks to each family member. Split the gift shopping with your spouse. Kids love helping so don’t forget to include them. The preparations can be fun and might become the traditions your family remembers most. Imagine how less stressed and more joyous you’ll be if you share the decorating with the whole family, a day of Christmas music while you bring out all the Christmas decor!

Limit Your Commitments So You Can Focus On Family Time

Christmas comes with invitations: parties, gatherings, events and baking days. We all love this part of the holidays. However, when our schedules are packed full, it can leave us with less time for our family. It’s important to be intentional with your time during this season. You don’t have to say yes to every party and event. The real reason behind the reason is faith and family.

Make Intentional Connections

Instead of running around frenzied, think about slowing down and making intentional time to reach out and connect with family and close friends. Make it a season of genuine memorable moments. Looking at the holiday season through a lens of love can be truly telling. What traditions and activities spell love for you and which feel more of an obligation or waste of energy?

Take Time To Rest And Recharge

Setting aside time to nurture and recharge yourself will help keep you at your best. You cannot give to others if you are depleted. Make a weekly appointment with yourself and keep those appointments as you would keep appointments to others. Taking time for self-care is not selfish. It is smart and necessary, especially with the craziness of the holiday hustle.

A Christmas scene with a woman and her coffee with quote: You Cannot Pout Frrom An Empty Cup
Photo By: Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

Give Thanks For Your Blessings

If nothing else this year has taught us to find thanks for the really important things — our health, financial stability, family, and friends. We’ve discovered that “things” don’t equal happiness and joy — relationships and love do.

Thinking and showing gratitude can really improve our health and well-being. I know when I take a few minutes to tell someone how much I appreciate them, journal what I’m grateful for, or just think about what I’m thankful for, I feel more positive and energized. For journal writing tips and types enjoy my article Number 1 Tip To Feel Overwhelmed In Minutes

The world won’t be returning to a stress free holiday season anytime soon. But there are ways to make it through holidays on our own terms, filled with joy, rested, rather than exhausted. Keep the best and relieve ourselves of the unnecessary.This year, make the choice to make Christmas magical again.

What will you be removing from your Christmas to-do list this year?



L. C. McLaughlin
Curated Newsletters

Writing about entrepreneurship, social media, mindset and business. Published in Illumination Illumination Curated.