How to Replace Bad Habits with Better Ones

We spend 40% of our time on autopilot

Matthew Royse
Curated Newsletters


How to replace bad habits with better habits
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

What are habits? Habits, by definition, are behaviors that are repeated consistently and tends to occur subconsciously.

We don’t think about every little thing we do during the day because of our habits.

Research shows about 40% of people’s daily activities are performed each day in almost the same situations. Our daily lives are taken up by habits that we’ve formed over our lifetime.

Habits are hard to change because we are on autopilot and sometimes we don’t realize what we are doing because we have done it over and over again. Habits are important to our success. They are also hard to control. With some dedication, you can replace your bad habits with new, better habits.

Here’s how.

1. Become More Self Aware

You have to bring your subconscious habits to the top of your mind. Do it by self-observation. Or you can ask your friends and family to point out your habits so you become self aware of what you are doing when you don’t realize it.

Ask yourself:

  • Why I’m checking my email when I get up the morning?
  • Why I’m eating this unhealthy food?



Matthew Royse
Curated Newsletters

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