How To Shift From Pride To Love

Allow yourself to be imperfect

Eunice Gikonyo
Curated Newsletters


Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

Pride gets passed as a strength most of the time. We idolize overly self-reliant people, those who pursue their goals with abandon and are always giving of themselves. They not only seem to need no one, but everyone seems to need them. We want to be those people.

But on a closer look, we realize that way of life is no paradise. The imbalance of such a lifestyle leads to burnout and loneliness.

Pride on the surface is not easy to detect. Except for bragging, it is subtle, sometimes unconscious. An obsessive need to prove ourselves, defensiveness, and unwillingness to ask and receive help — are signs of pride.

When pride is in control of our minds and hearts, we are incapable, unwilling, or afraid to face ourselves. We exaggerate our achievements and hide or downplay our weaknesses. We are more competitive than cooperative. Over time, we get disconnected from ourselves.

And then we start to feel misunderstood. But how will others understand us when we have no idea who we are? That is why it is not unusual to be surrounded by people and still feel lonely.

We all want — need — to attain a certain level of self-reliance and personal achievement. It is what makes us useful members of family and society. But unchecked…

