How to Stay Motivated and Achieve Flow State with the Goldilocks Principle

Get more done with this simple rule

Jason Ward
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

There is a new year on the horizon and that means it is time to try and up your game. Get stuff done. Whether or not you do New Year Resolutions, staying motivated is crucial if you want to be productive and achieve your goals.

One such method to increase and maintain your motivation is by using the Goldilocks principle/rule. This simple idea is surprisingly effective and can help you achieve ‘flow state’.

‘Flow’ is when you are so into what you are doing, the world seems to fade away. Hours can fly past without you noticing and you achieve peak productivity. It is hard to attain at first and even if not reached initially, the Goldilocks Principle should increase motivation and productivity.

What is the Goldilocks Principle in relation to psychology?

The term ‘Goldilocks’ obviously relates to the story of the three bears. It encapsulates the idea that something can be ‘too much, too little, or just right’.

It is used as an analogy in a variety of fields. In astronomy, for example, the Goldilocks zone relates to the habitable region around a star.



Jason Ward
Curated Newsletters

Freelance Writer, Author, Journalist for 30 years. Mostly lives in Asia., Top writer in History and Culture.