How to Train Your Mind to be More Proactive in Life

It starts with a simple change like — Instead of saying I can’t do this, say I chose not to do this

Curated Newsletters


Image by Sophie Janotta from Pixabay

What am I doing with my life ?

Should I take this decision?

Why did I take that decision ?

Should I stand up to the bully ?

We all have stood in front of the mirror and talked to ourselves. We all have mentally argued the pros and cons before making a decision. This ability is very unique to humans. This is one distinctive quality that differentiates us from animals. This is one of the reasons why humans are so advanced.

This virtue I just explained is called Self Awareness. We can think before making a decision. We can think about our thoughts. This helps us stand apart and examine ourselves. This is why we can learn from other's experiences and our own failures. We can judge whether the decision we made was the right one. Self Awareness is also why we can change our habits. We have the capability to work on new habits or break an existing one.

We can train our minds to be more Proactive.

Sometimes (or maybe most times) our decisions and responses are influenced by external factors that…



Curated Newsletters

An engineer, a keen observer, writer about tech, life improvement, motivation, humor, and more. Hit the follow button if you want a weekly dose of awesomeness.