How To Write Every Day

It’s not as hard as you think.

MaryJo Wagner, PhD
4 min readSep 17, 2020


Never Stop written in words
Licensed from 123RF; copyright, Olga Sadovnikova

Successful writers tell us to “write every day.” Study great authors and you find they write every day. They write when they don’t feel like it.

The 30-Day Writing Challenge

When I first started in a writing platform, my mentors suggested a write-everyday-for-30- days challenge.

I re-posted a bunch of old blog posts. I posted some already written chapters from a book in progress about my birth-father who was killed on D-Day after parachuting into Normandy. I re-posted some old stuff from EZine Articles. Only half or less of what I posted was new. I met the challenge.

It got harder when I ran out of content to re-post.

Why I Don’t Always Meet My Every Day Goal

All too often, I make writing every day too hard. I get a brain storm for a story. It’s complicated, lots of moving pieces, a long outline. Probably requires some research. I don’t think about how I might divide it into 2–3 stories.

The result is a story that eats up a day. I’ve gotten nothing else done. The next day I can’t write a story because I…



MaryJo Wagner, PhD

Non-fiction writing coach loves reading, writing, the Colorado mountains, J. S. Bach and Willa Cather. Get “9 Tips for Readable Writing” at maryjo@mjwagner.com