How We Win ‘The Final Revolution’ (Part 2)

Release fear and find love every chance you get

Sienna Mae Heath
Curated Newsletters


Image by Ken/natureworks on Pixabay

In Part One, we explored the intersection of real social justice, politics, and narcissistic abuse. We dove deeply into the grief and the anger. I also shared how I overcame my fear of getting canceled and how my mother inspires me to live freely by dancing like no one’s watching.

In Part Two, we will look closer at the complicated emotions rolling out along with the Covid-19 vaccines. Amid the unrest, let’s find a little more joy and perhaps peace and hope.

If you’re ready to win what Aldous Huxley deemed “The Final Revolution” and ready to play your role fully in the next chapter of humankind, then here come Steps 3 and 4 toward victory.

Step #3 to winning “The Final Revolution” is finding hope and remembering to share it.

Since embracing my concern and my optimism as an independent, I have found sovereignty. I even stood out days before Election Day and declared my hope as an undecided voter. My writing has attracted 20,000 pairs of curious eyes. This is a humble number compared to most, but it is one I am proud of because it brings me the hope that I can pass on to you.

