How You Can Also Be a Proud Author with AI and Designerr.io

Here’s my book.. yours can be next…

Desiree Driesenaar
6 min readMay 14, 2024


Picture by Bee Wild in Night Cafe

I’ve always been a reader & writer. Ever since I was in kindergarten, I wanted to read and write. My mum and dad took my 2.5 year old sister to the library and I was sold…

This is what I wanted! A world full of knowledge and pictures and colors and concepts… I loved loved loved it and it has never stopped…

I begged and bribed but my parents thought I was too young. I couldn’t read yet after all… So, I decided to surprise them…

One day, my kindergarten teacher took my mum aside when she came to pick me up.

“Do you know D. can read?” she said.

“Today, she even wrote her first words.”

My mum was stunned. I was 3.5 years old. Too young to write. But I did. Since then, I’m convinced that when you want something badly enough, you can do it. I became a fan of Pippi Longstocking.

“I have never done it before, so I think I can do it…”

