Our own thoughts can be our biggest enemy Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Tell the Voices in Your Head to STFU

Take control of the thoughts that cause you to fail or keep you from doing your best.

James Jordan
4 min readJan 29, 2021


Sometimes we listen too much to those voices in our heads. After doing that for years or decades, and it becomes a way of seeing the world. This is where low self-esteem comes from, as well as impostor syndrome. It is the birthplace of negative emotions. It could contribute to mental and physical illness as well.

A lot of people suffer from impostor syndrome. It is a feeling that you are not good enough in some way. Why do you think that? Is there any evidence that it is true? What if it is true? Could you get better with some work?

It could be why you don’t take a risk. It could keep you from trying because deep inside there is a voice saying you are not good enough. You might fail, it's true. There are no guarantees and no one owes you anything. But fear, or those negative voices, could be stopping you from even trying. There’s no guarantee of success, but not even trying guarantees failure.

Listen to the thoughts you have during the day. Do you hear things like:

You are no good

You are lazy

You are stupid

You are ugly



James Jordan
Curated Newsletters

Teller of tales, many of which are actually true. Award-winning journalist, and the William Allen White Award for reporting.