I “Accidentally” Gained An Email List With 600+ Members in 4 Months

No, I didn’t use MailChimp, ConvertKit, or Substack, I did not once ask anyone to join, and I haven’t written a single newsletter



Foto von Serpstat von Pexels

Email lists are all the rage right now. Everybody is doing it. Email marketing is thriving. No wonder, emails are a personal way to directly connect with your audience. It’s an honor to be invited into someone’s mailbox. But it’s hard to get there, although many people on the internet make it sound suspiciously easy. It’s not! Not in the way most people tell you.

What didn’t I do?

As the subtitle says, I didn’t build my email list with the popular services, the ones everybody talks about: No Substack for a paid newsletter, no ConvertKit landing page, no MailChimp email marketing. In fact, I haven’t even created a single online form for people to sign-up. I don’t post or send out links to do so either.

Don’t get me wrong, the aforementioned platforms are great choices for anyone looking to create a paid newsletter (Substack), or an email list through a beautiful landing page (ConvertKit, MailChimp, Sendinblue, etc.). They also all have affiliate programs which is the reason you read about them often. That’s not a bad thing. It’s…




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