I Don’t Believe in Morning Routines But I Believe in Finding your Purpose

A year of writing will teach you many lessons.

Tom Handy
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels

As you enter the month of March, you may need to find your purpose instead of following your boring morning routine. I won’t lie. I used to be a fan of morning routines.

At this time last year, my alarm clock would wake me up at 4 am. I would wake up and hit the gym.

Not even a few weeks later, all of that changed and the morning routine went out the window. I’m sure you know why — the coronavirus happened and changed everyone’s schedule.

My morning routine went out the window. Fortunately, I found my purpose which made the morning routine seem like going to elementary school again.

Sometimes, you need a wake-up call to find your true purpose. Instead of complaining and sulking about the changes, I dove head-first into writing. As the months went by, I kicked it up a notch. As of today, this is my 274 day of writing every single day since June 1 of last year.

My writing has gotten stronger. Income is going higher. The best part is I have found new writing friends who only have challenged me to get better. You have my sincerest thanks and appreciation to the publishers and fellow writers.



Tom Handy
Curated Newsletters

I ghostwrite articles for FinTech executives. Seen in Morning Brew, Money magazine, & Who's Who. Get my free email course https://tom-handy.ck.page/5bc47f9d15