A wax figure of actor Tom Hulce as Mozart in the movie “Amadeus”. Image by ivabalk from Pixabay

I Have A Crush On Mozart

Why is it so easy to fall in love with this musical genius?

Eira Braun-Labossiere 🌻
Curated Newsletters
6 min readFeb 7, 2021


Granted, it’s a long distance relationship. He, an Austrian, now existing in the ether somewhere. Me, a middle-aged Canadian, living in lock down. But we have always found a way to make it work.

Hey Siri, play “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart playlist”.

I’m alone in the house this morning with our two dogs. I have my iPhone plugged into our speakers, and I crank the volume to eleven while I do my house work.

How can I feel a connection to music composed over 200 years ago? And why is Mozart’s work still so popular it is performed all over the world to this day?

Clearly I am not the only one he’s flirted with.

Flash mob performances are a perfect example of music that remains so enjoyable and magnetic that Rondo Alla Turca” will instantly draw a crowd. Watch these faces light up with recognition.

Created with Canva by Author.

OK, but Opera?

I am not partial to opera but Mozart’s thrill me. The training and control it requires to sing in an operatic style…



Eira Braun-Labossiere 🌻
Curated Newsletters

English major. Writes about greyhounds + lurchers, things that bother her & little wonders that delight. Proud Rotarian!⚙ #bigskylife