I Know It’s Coming

A Poem

J.D. Harms
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Feeling endings forming lines
on either side of the wound
and you know that another hit is coming
but you’re lacking your predictable
and it comes anyway
Carving precious bits of the heart
a trip to the deli
to see if its worth its weight in anything
that you can eat
or set fire to
Permission to abandon the game
has been fully denied
and you’ve got nothing left in your hands
that you can play with anymore
The raging of the man
who was always the quiet one
sending tears in the fabric of this
elucidation of dreams and conquest
Striking the match against the asbestos siding
ridding the neighbourhood
of one more hundred year old
collapsing house
Breathing in Main St
as if breath was coming back
or hosting an orgy
that you were never going to be invited to
Still sections of belief
don’t like the idea of suiciding over
small wounds
or even particular great ones
But participation was never
the thing in question
how to get out of the hole was

J.D. Harms 2020



J.D. Harms
Curated Newsletters

Writing to share beauty and pain. None of us are alone in either.