I Made $500,000+ by Writing on the Internet — Here Are 50 Lessons I Wish I Had Learned Sooner

On creativity, reader psychology, mindset, and much more in ten minutes

Sinem Günel


Photo by Ewan Robertson on Unsplash

If you had told me I'd end up making money by typing words on my computer a few years ago, I would've laughed—a lot. Yet, here I am — having published more than 600 articles on the internet, making a living by writing online and teaching others how to do the same.

That's the beauty of life: It's unpredictable. I never thought I was a great writer (I still don't), and I've never been particularly creative. I studied business administration and quit in my final year because I wanted to do my own thing.

Writing was one of many side hustles I tried, but the only one I really liked. I loved how independent I was. I loved that I could write anywhere, at any time of the day. That I could just let my thoughts flow and share my ideas with people from all corners of the globe.

If I had to start all over, I'd give myself a little notebook with these 50 lessons to keep in mind. I will summarize them under seven headings to make it easy for you.

1 — On Getting Started

