I Took Naval Ravikant’s Tweet Thread & Made $1.55M With It — Here’s How

“Seek true wealth, not money or status”

Tim Denning
8 min readNov 22, 2023


This kid is broke and didn’t read Naval’s advice. (Image credit-Midjourney)

On May 31st 2018, Naval Ravikant blew up the internet.

He posted a tweet thread that people still can’t get over 5 years later. It’s a tweet thread I re-read weekly. If you haven’t read it then I insist you do.

After I read this tweet thread at age 32, I implemented the principles in my life. I estimate they’ve made me approximately $1.55M since doing so.

Use these principles to do the same.

Seek wealth, not money or status.

Wealth is having assets that earn while you sleep. Money is how we transfer time and wealth. Status is your place in the social hierarchy.

Naval’s tweet thread is about getting rich.

But once you go deeper you realize getting rich is a nightmare. What we’re secretly looking for is wealth. And wealth equals freedom.

Naval teaches us the fastest path to wealth and freedom is to own assets that make money while you sleep. Since I read this advice, I’ve collected a portfolio of financial assets that do exactly that.

On days when I don’t work, I still have an income. They don’t teach you this in college which pisses…



Tim Denning

Aussie Blogger with 1B+ views that made me 7-figures — Get my free email course: https://timdenning.com/1k-mb