I Want My Shot

The scientists can’t get the COVID19 vaccine to me and mine fast enough

Vanessa Robinson
Curated Newsletters


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

All five of us (spouse, son, and twin, preteen granddaughters) have been here in our townhouse for five days straight. I’ll have to put in another order of food from Amazon Fresh before too long. We never see the guy when he comes which is probably best. The doorbell rings and by the time we get downstairs, the food is waiting for us to put away. A friend of mine shopped for us last March and April — it was like torture not to hug her when she came by. This is more impersonal and businesslike.

When we're locked down, we see nobody. That’s how we roll.

Here in southern California, the sun is shining, but it feels cloudy. We’re all aware that we’ve fallen into the purple zone, which means that businesses have to close at 10 pm. There are other rules, but it's too many for me to keep track of. I want to go on a cruise (please don’t go away, Princess Cruises! I love you?) and dance and sing — I want to see buffets again. Are buffets gross now? I think not.

I remember beautiful, bountiful bowls and plates of food, like BBQ, macaroni and cheese, and cool, weird sushi! They’re laid out on the ship as far as the eye can see. I still like them. OK. Put plastic on them if you must.



Vanessa Robinson
Curated Newsletters

Writer and Observer: Injustice, History, Family, Love, and Politics. Electrical Engineer. Completing First Historical Fiction Novel.