I Woke Up With Tucker Carlson …

And he ruined my day!

Rebecca Stevens


fghPhoto by Kinga Howard on Unsplash

I’ve been on the road these past few days and I’m currently in Canada. Due to some relentless jet lag I was up ridiculously early this morning. I didn’t want to disturb my host so I lay in bed and made the regrettable mistake to open X (formerly Twitter). There I stumbled on Tucker Carlson’s content and inevitably opened a clicky-baity interview.

I found myself listening to a mixture of racist, xenophobic and conspiracy theory content, but not only. Surprising there was a good analysis as to why the US should not provoke a war with Iran, the reasoning being that countries like Russia and Turkey would step up to defend Iran and we’d soon find ourselves in the midst of a world war. The reasoning was sound and made a lot of sense, and that was when my anxiety started spiralling out of control.

I read a re-cap of an interview of US Senator Lindsey Graham in Politico, where he behaves like a blood thirsty warmonger, threatening Iran that if they continue to support Hamas and Hezbollah, he would “ introduce a resolution in the United States Senate to allow military action by the United States in conjunction with Israel to knock Iran out of the oil business. He said. “Iran, if you escalate this war, we’re coming for you.” I don’t know if he fully realizes what the devastating implications of that act would be.



Rebecca Stevens

I write about racism, but there are so many other things I would like to write about instead. Help me dismantle racism so that I can get to that.