If You Don’t Leave Your Comfort Zone, Life Will Force You to Do It Anyway

Learned helplessness feels like soft love. But, in reality, it festers hard-to-heal wounds when responsibilities shower nonstop.

Sanjeev Yadav


Photo by REVOLT on Unsplash

Your attitude is the reflection of your mindset.

Yesterday, I read about how your mindset is your most powerful asset, and if you learn to swerve from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, you’re gearing up for a world of inspiration.

Life can happen for you or to you.

The power of choice is super-underrated in our generation. The decision to prioritise one goal over another requires deep thinking to keep the future regrets to a minimum.

The option of preferring long-term thinking instead of submitting to temptation out of instant gratification is when you take an observer stance to make a thoughtful decision.

When your choices are coherent with your long-term goals — the realistic version of dreams, you’ll convert all your regrets to sacrifice because your perception shifts towards focusing on your life purpose.

Turning regrets into sacrifices requires courage, which a growth mindset can give a lot faster than sleeping in your comfort zone and waiting for the universe to shower you with magic gems.

Changing your mind is a strength.

Neuroplasticity says:

The human brain outsmarts itself with lifelong learning.

It means even if you can’t detect the changes right away, your brain is not the same when you started reading this article.

Your brain is undergoing a lifelong evolution, even in the shortest duration imaginable. The catch is how hellbent you are to leverage this constant change to make an overdue transformation in your life.

Changing your mind is a sign of adaptability, not weakness.

One direction creates new branches along the way.

The positivity emanates from within you and infects all parts of your life.

Even I hate the concept of chasing one goal. So, I shifted my mindset from chasing to attracting.

For example, my first challenge was a 100-days fitness streak.

On day 100, I jolted so much from self-inspiration that I shared my transformation story, eventually got fed up with my 9to5 job after the next four months, propelled at my remote position and the latest achievement: became a runner in 3 months of nonstop practice.

Simply aiming for one long-term goal will urge you to explore other related areas because your mind craves new experiences which make you feel alive.

For example, runners high fires you run more. Self-love helps you with relationships.

Writing helps me with insightful conversations. Health-consciousness urges me to stay active in other areas of life too.

The positivity emanates from within you and infects all parts of your life.

Final words

Gaining control of your time before life thumps you with responsibilities is an attitude only a few people have.

By chasing your dreams, you’ll bend reality by bringing the change you want to see in the world.

It all starts with you. When you tame your mind to seek adventures instead of hiding in a mental cubicle, you’re training your subconscious mind to work even when you’re not in the action mode.

For example, you can’t record lightbulb moments while showering, pooping or doing **that**. It happens because your subconscious is already working for you in the background.

Gaining control of your time before life thumps you with responsibilities is an attitude that only a few people practice. And if you are one of those rarest warriors, congratulations!

And if your comfort zone still hammers you from exploring your true potential, I showed in the last few minutes how your brain is already undergoing lifelong learning because of neuroplasticity.

The juice is:

How badly you want to transform your life before responsibilities shock you to your very core and leave you deadbeat?

Shift your mindset to long-term thinking, and your brain will thank you for it because you’re learning to master patience — a timeless skill to rule your time which gives you an unfair advantage in the world enamoured by instant gratification.


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Sanjeev is a writer, mentor and recovering shopaholic from India. He writes about lifelong learning, personal growth, and positive psychology. When he’s not busy with his muse, he’s sweating either in a workout or emulating outdoor games in his home because of the pandemic. He also chronicles his writing and fitness journey on Instagram. He shares daily inspiration with #ThoughtForTheDay on Twitter.



Sanjeev Yadav

Writer • Mentor • Recovering Shopaholic • IITR 2019 • ✍🏼 Personal Growth, Positive Psychology & Lifelong Learning• IG & Threads: sanjeevai