If You Think Like No One, You’re Naturally Gifted Ready to Be Lifted

You’re a brand. Not a commodity, so stop behaving like one.

Sanjeev Yadav
Curated Newsletters


We’ve all been through the paradox of getting along with the same people who fight with us. It's like a love-hate kind of relationship.

If we over-value their opinion so much that we don’t respect boundaries or let them invade ours, you won’t get enough space to purify your thoughts — the thoughts that make you stand out.

For a long time, I was in an attention-seeker personality trying to get everyone's eye-balls with lame jokes that were hit-n-miss.

Once I realised we attract what we are, I started listening to my inner voice instead.

I wish I’d done it sooner. Fortunately, the second-best time is now!

Here are three ways your unique worldview makes your voice deserve a megaphone.

#1. You’re an observer of thoughts.

Thoughts make us claustrophobic in our heads only if we believe every idea.

Your brain is a suggestion box. The thoughts are its paper bullets.

To analyse which thoughts are fruitful — or junk — let them flow in a mental hyperplane. Or way better, dump them in words on a page ( or screen ) to see if your thoughts are dying to tell you a fact.

Once thoughts are out of your head, you start with a magical healing process: the organisation of ideas.

#2. Your worldview transforms your life.

In college, I realised that traditional education was not my jam. But I also didn’t want to give up the chance of opting for higher studies. So, I went with the best of both worlds.

I finished college anyway but didn’t apply the academics knowledge outside of the curriculum — my B. Tech is in Physics. I show the Physicist aptitude in my lifestyle, but I don’t contribute to any scientific research.

I turned to lifelong learning to put my brain on the path of speed learning. You can accelerate your learning if you train your brain by feeding information in different ways.

Some of my friends see books as the ultimate source of reading. So they don’t even wave at quotes, ebook readers, audiobooks or blogs because books are the only source of unfiltered wisdom, in their opinion.

It turns out:

The more diverse your knowledge source, the more brain areas activate, the more stronger new neural networks build and the more adept you become.

#3. The Law of Attraction works in mysterious ways.

I have done zero research on The Law of Attraction. I don’t even know how many postulates it has.

But from five years of experience — when I slowly escaped the traditional education system and adopted lifelong learning — this adage penetrates my soul daily:

“You attract what you are.”

Once I stopped being reactive to whatever judgements — thoughtful or not — people throw at me, I started looking at myself objectively.

I adopted a student mindset and started hanging out with more competent people than me because I never want to stop learning.

Do you ever want to reach stagnancy in your learning? If your answer is yes, then your life will be interesting only for a few weeks or months.

However, once you stop getting novelty, you’ll desire to enhance your learning because humans ultimately reach saturation in any activity that doesn’t provide continuous novelty.

Final words

You’re a brand. Not a commodity.

It means that if your inner voice is dying for you to take a risk and you’re not listening to your heart, you ultimately drown in the power of regret, which breeds complacency.

I decided to create my first ebook a month ago, but I didn’t work on the material until today.

I’m happy that I started today, but it would be way better if I worked on it a month ago. So that by now, I would have some authentic updates to show you. But I’m late. I don’t want you to miss the chance of prioritising urgency.

Listen to your gut instinct to take calculated risks. Your intuition is your heart’s light guiding you. Intuition is the highest form of intelligence.

Trick your mind into action. Instead of being reactive to all the judgments you receive, filter out the ones that are nonsense, and you’ll rule your personal development the way you want.

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Sanjeev is a writer, mentor and recovering shopaholic. He writes about lifelong learning, productivity, relationships, and practical psychology for everyday life. When he’s not busy with his muse, he is sweating either in a workout or emulating outdoor games in his home because of the pandemic. He also chronicles his writing and fitness journey on Instagram.



Sanjeev Yadav
Curated Newsletters

Writer • Mentor • Recovering Shopaholic • IITR 2019 • ✍🏼 Personal Growth, Positive Psychology & Lifelong Learning• IG & Threads: sanjeevai