I’m Going To Say It Again, France Is Indeed A Racist Country

They keep on showing us who they are over and over, we should believe them

Rebecca Stevens


Photo by ActionVance on Unsplash

Aya Nakamura, you might have never heard the name, but if you google her and type racism in France, you’ll come across some rather disturbing news. One that will leave you reeling and without a shadow of a doubt about the racism in France. I should know, I lived there for two years and was always astonished by how much in denial the French are vis à vis their own racism. We’d all be so much better off if they just accepted that they were a racist country where your chances of success as a Black or brown person are much lower than say for example in the UK or USA.

The fact is, French people think that Black and brown people are inferior and no matter how much they try to hide their racism, it keeps on showing. The Aya Nakamura debacle is a perfect example of this. So, let me share a few words about her before we begin. Nakamura is a renowned French-Malian singer who grew up in France. The 28-year-old’s single Djadja has hit close to a billion streams on YouTube alone. Yes, she is that good.

Today, Nakamura is the most listened-to French artist in the world. Yes, you heard that right! She’s a huge celebrity that resonates with the country’s youth and represents the…



Rebecca Stevens

I write about racism, but there are so many other things I would like to write about instead. Help me dismantle racism so that I can get to that.