In An AI World, Diverse Skillsets Are More Valuable Than Ever

It pays to be a jack-of-all-trades

Celia Fidalgo, PhD
Curated Newsletters
3 min readFeb 13, 2024


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Specialization is often preached as the pathway to success.

But can that really be true?

Technology is advancing leaps and bounds everyday. There are so many different ways to apply generative AI, and the more skillsets you have, the more applications you can imagine.

Being proficient in multiple disciplines is hugely important. It’s more relevant and vital in today’s world than ever.

Diverse Knowledge in an AI World

Given the way AI is shaping our world, being informed about AI+other skills gives you a foundation for untapped potential.

It equips you to apply AI in innovative settings, transcending traditional boundaries.

You’ll have a deeper understanding how AI can benefit a range of different domains.

Whether it’s for creative design, optimizing business processes, enhancing scientific research, or developing new technologies, a polymath can uniquely integrate AI solutions in a way that adds value and drives innovation.

This integration demands technical knowledge, ethical insight, creative thinking, and an understanding of societal impacts — qualities that are all hallmarks of creative people who like to explore different ideas.

The future belongs to those who can navigate these complexities.

Historical Precedent for the Power of the Polymath

There’s historical context for how powerful diverse skillsets are.

The legendary figures of our past, like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo weren’t just one thing.

They were not just artists or scientists.

They dabbled in a variety of fields, from painting to physics, architecture to anatomy.

This diversity in knowledge and skills allowed them to see the world differently, to connect dots that others couldn’t even perceive.

Beyond Specialization: The Rise of the Polymath

Being a polymath means embracing lifelong learning, curiosity, and the integration of diverse disciplines.

It’s about being a continuous learner, a seeker of knowledge across fields, and applying that knowledge in innovative ways.

In the modern workplace, the polymath is a rare and valued creature.

They are the entrepreneurs who can understand both the technical and business sides of their company, the designers who understand psychology, the marketers who grasp data analytics.

These individuals don’t just fit into the boxes created by job descriptions; they create new boxes, new roles, and new opportunities.

How to Cultivate a Polymath Mindset

Becoming a polymath doesn’t happen overnight.

It requires a deliberate approach to learning and life. Here are a few strategies inspired by Tim Denning’s philosophy:

  • Embrace Curiosity: Allow yourself to explore new interests, even those outside your comfort zone. Curiosity is fuel.
  • Learn Continuously: Make learning a lifelong habit. Read widely, take courses, attend workshops, and seek experiences that expand your knowledge and skills.
  • Connect the Dots: Seek to integrate your knowledge from different domains. Look for patterns and connections that others might miss.
  • Apply Knowledge in New Ways: Use your diverse skills to solve problems, innovate, and create. The true power of a polymath lies not just in what they know, but in how they use that knowledge.

Become the Visionary

In today’s complex and rapidly changing world, the polymath is not just relevant — they are essential.

They are the innovators, the problem solvers, the visionaries who can navigate the complexities of the modern world with ease and creativity.

Let’s strive to be modern-day polymaths. For in the breadth of our knowledge and the diversity of our skills, we find the keys to unlocking our full potential and shaping the future.

Hi! I’m Celia👋 I appreciate you reading this post! If you’d like to read more about writing, psychology, and productivity, give me a follow.



Celia Fidalgo, PhD
Curated Newsletters

Head of Product @ Cambridge Cognition, Behavioral Scientist @ Irrational Labs, PhD in psych, I help people apply the science of psychology to daily life.