In Middle Earth I Am Illiterate

A free verse poem

Jan M Flynn
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Nikhil Prasad on Unsplash

On a backpacking trip, I become separated from my party
And lost
And I end up in Middle Earth.
I know this because as I’m powering up my single-burner propane stove
Because although I’m good with roughing it
I require my pour-over in the morning,
I hear footsteps

Strange ones.
Like little kids marching with grownups
All at once, they stop
And I’m surrounded by nine persons.
I recognize all of them right away
Now it makes sense, why the landscape looks different
And why I can’t find my way back

Good morning, I say, wondering if they’ll understand me
Or if they speak some archaic form of English or ancient Finnish
Which is what I think Tolkien had in mind,
It’s been a long time since I read his stuff. Not since the movies.
The nine companions, plus the pony who I remember is Sam’s friend Bill
Regard me gravely
Would anyone like some coffee? I ask.



Jan M Flynn
Curated Newsletters

Writer & educator. The Startup, Writing Cooperative, P.S. I Love You, The Ascent, more. Award-winning short fiction. Visit me at