In The Morning

The Dawn of Hataciku

Dr Michael Heng


Image by Angela C from Pixabay

Darkness is fading

As the arrival of sun

Brings the dawn of light


Winter nights retreat

Hailing the coming of days

Clouds release the sun

We see the light emerges

Bringing hope with the new day


Freed from the darkness

Be thankful for divine light

Good morning to all

A Hataciku poem consists of 65 syllables written without punctuation in 3 stanzas as 11 lines of phrase arranged in the pattern sequence of 5–7–5–5–7–5–7–7–5–7–5 = 65 syllables. Invented by the Author.

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Dr Michael Heng

Top 50 Global Thought Leader and Influencer on CSR, Explorer, Enabler. Top Writer in Poetry. Drives ventures and enterprises. ILLUMINATION Editor and Writer.