Insights and Hope for Better Treatment Decisions

Intermediate Clinical Endpoints: A New Hope in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

A Study on How ICEs Can Predict Changes in Overall Survival for Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients

Curated Newsletters
3 min readApr 11, 2024


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Breast cancer, one of the most formidably notorious demons of our health and wellness, continues to be the top subject of the research scene.

Reports suggest that in the United States alone estimates, over 42,000 women are expected to die from Breast Cancer in 2024. Furthermore, The country faces worrisome 310,720 new cases, amongst whom researchers expect over 50% to be ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

Thanks to the advancement of science and technology, the outcome of breast cancer, so far, has been a success!

Studies suggest that from 1989 through 2020, the overall demise of breast cancer has been on the decline. Recent statistics indicate 460,000 breast cancer deaths were averted during this period, making it 43% lower.

As the battle continues on the frontline and many battles are being won on various frontlines, concurrently, an intermediate clinical endpoint (ICE) frontline is advancing.

ICEs, the signposts…



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