Colors of Your Heart | POETRY

Into This Land of Golden Light

Including Book-Trailer of the Epic Verse Novel ‘In the Minuses’

Martine Weber
2 min readDec 2, 2021


Graphic Illustration from the novel ‘In the Minuses’ by JD Pernoste

if I had to spell out
to you my being,
in a symbol,
a metonymy,
what would that be?
I pondered …
‘Love’, uttered my heart …

from the beginning
I have known,
you are that tranquillity
in perseverance,
telling me
that love
is truthfulness,
the harmonic music
of my heart.

for do you not feel
how the burden in you
shows your heart
to accept?

how it trains your heart
to seek lighter,
to keep your heart in amaze
of the daily miracles
in your life?

for could you accept
the colors of your heart,
as you have always accepted
the tempers
that passed over
your existence?



Martine Weber

Published author and poet from the heart | Creative reflections on life’s mysteries |