Intolerance And Defensiveness Are Causing Some Real Troubles Around The World

and you may disagree too, but make it rational

Suntonu Bhadra
Curated Newsletters


Image by Keli Black from Pixabay

For the last couple of days, the internet and the media were overwhelmed with the U.S. election. The drama, at last, ended with the victory of Joe Biden. One of the things that came once again, the polarization of ideologies, is dividing the world more than ever before; the latest U.S election is just an example of that.

This article is not to theoretically describe what and how this happens, but to highlight that we need to rethink how we are moving forward as a species, let it be human or a rational, intelligent being.

In the U.S. election, you have seen how the whole country was divided, and notably, one of the sides showcased their hatred and intolerance in different aspects of the election.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

And, it’s happening around the world

The same scenario is evolving worldwide, including the country where I was born, circulating political and religious intolerances amongst the people. Bangladesh is deemed as a secular country, valuing minorities’, although it’s not true. The…

