Introducing Pene Hodge
Mother, lover, thinker, dreamer, nurse, teacher, writer
I was born in Guyana, South America. As many first-borns are wont to do, I grew up as an avid reader and a shy thinker. I did not use my words much back then.
Now it’s hard to shut me up!
I arrived in New York one cold February day more than three decades ago and have made my mark in this new land.
I underwrote mortgages for several years then in 1997 I became ill and needed heart surgery. I was born with a congenital defect (writings to come later).
While recuperating my dream of “helping” others was born and I went on to become a nurse.
I do some of my best work in the Emergency Room.
Did I mention, I love to read! Music is a close second — God I love to dance. Jigsaw puzzles, I usually order 3,000 pieces and you can’t pry me away! I enjoy crossword puzzles as well as watching things grow and enjoying the things God created.