Iran Gets its Wish: Israel at Close Range

Israel floats part of Negev to the Arabian* Gulf, plugs Strait of Hormuz

Lester Golden


Iran’s gas-powered missile and drone force on the offensive.

The world’s anticipation of Israeli retaliation for Iran’s missile and drone strike ended yesterday with a stunning surprise. Instead of replying in kind, Israel deployed an economic doomsday weapon. It dropped a long thin piece of its Negev desert into the Strait of Hormuz oil export choke point by using the anti-gravity metal cavorite imagined in H.G. Wells’ First Men in the Moon. Plugging the strait with a Big Float got Israel a geopolitical two-fer, blocking the LNG exports of Hamas sponsor Qatar.

Israeli response to Iran’s attack: Strait to the point

Israel can now strangle the Iranian economy at its most sensitive choke point. A fringe benefit was putting water between Gaza and southern Israel and opening a canal to rival Suez between Gaza and Eilat.

In this top secret Williamsburg Project Israeli tech wizards and engineers made the anti-gravity metal cavorite from Jules Verne’s First Men in the Moon a reality. With a bit of Yiddische humor, they impishly renamed it Corbynite, for float above reality see no antisemites anywhere Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. My East London Jewish…



Lester Golden

From Latvia & Porto I write to share learning from an academic&business life in 8 languages in 5 countries & seeing fascism die in Portugal&Spain in1974 & 1976.