Is A.I. Versus Labor Unions Our Next Culture War?

Are Labor Unions the Last Line of Defense or Holding Us Back?

Phil Rossi


Benjamin Wedemeyer/Unsplash

“The future always arrives sooner than expected.” — Anonymous

It’s no surprise today's labor unions are guarding the beachhead of AI advancement. Will straddling this threshold be a positive or a negative for society at large?

For union members, it appears essential. Prolonging jobs and targeted industries from the aggressive expansions of artificial intelligence. Providing sectors of the workforce with a buffer and a lifeline. In the long run, will labor unions be a boon or a hex?

We don’t want labor unions to become this century’s version of Big Oil. By the 20th Century, Big Oil had grown in scope and stature, dominating the energy sector. This influence allowed Big Oil to block its competition, including all avenues of clean and renewable options.

By eliminating alternative access and development, Big Oil secured its cultural significance and influence. This standing forced the transportation industry to build gasoline-driven technology.

100 years since the first Model T, the world is now pivoting towards EV technology. We also had the chance to implement electric tech from the start. In…

